Orange Chiffon Cake

Chiffon cake has always been an all time favourite among Malaysian and Singaporeans. Night market, morning market, hyper markets, canteen, bakeries…. it is so common that and easily available everywhere. It is fluffy, aromatic and and it is one of the rare cake that does not consume butter. It is never heavy to have more than 2 slices at one go.

This is the very first cake I learnt to make. I remember vividly how excited I was watching my school teacher demonstrated this baking process in the school “Loving Skills” room. That was the first live demo I watched. It was really eye opening to realise the procedure to invert the warmly baked cake and leave it cool. For a young girl at time time, that was  a little like rocket science.

This special cake that requires special chiffon cake tin to bake was invented in the year of 1927, That’s such long time ago, and nowadays, bakers have been improvising the recipe, by coming up with all different flavours. I still prefer the traditional orange and pandan flavours. What is your favourite?

~Happy Baking~


The simple ingredients are as pictured below.

Chiffon Cake

After separating the eggs, I usually start making the egg yolk mixture. The use of electronic mixture is not advisable for this step. You can mix them easily using a spatula or a hand whisk.

Chiffon Cake

Chiffon Cake

The beaten egg whites are as blow. You would certainly need to use electronic mixture for this.

Chiffon Cake

Mix the egg yolk and white mixture thorough as below.

Chiffon Cake

Chiffon Cake

Chiffon Cake



  • Ingredients
  • A: 2 cups of flour, half cup of castor sugar, 1.5 tbsp of baking powder, 1tsp of baking soda, 1/8 tsp of salt
  • B: 2/3 cup of orange juice (squeeze from 2 oranges), 1/3 cup of corn oil and 1 tsp of orange grind, half cup of castor sugar.
  • c: 1/2 cup of castor sugar and 1/2 tsp of tatar powder
  • 6 eggs
  • Prep time: 30 min
  • Cook time: 40 min
  • Difficulty: medium


. Separate 6 eggs into egg yolks and egg whites
2. Whisk ingredients C with egg whites and beat until stiff (preferably with electronic mixer) .
3. Whisk ingredients B well, add ingredient A and whisk well.
4. Add mixture 2 into mixture A, mix well.
5. Pour the barter into 21cm chiffon tube pan and bake in preheated oven at 180 ºC for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
6. Remove cake from oven and invert immediately. Leave to cool. (It is a must to leave it till cool before you turn it over)
7. Remove cake from pan.

Note: You can swap 2/3 cup of orange juice (squeeze from 2 oranges), 1/3 cup of corn oil and 1 tsp of orange grind (of ingredients B), with 2/3 cup of coconut milk, 1/3 cup of pandan leave juice.

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